027 - How Pauline Narvas Overcame Gaming Addiction to Become a Full-Time Programmer, Speaker, and Inspirational Figure
To say Pauline's story is inspiring would be doing it a disservice.
Having started her first 'side hustle' at 8 years old by learning how to turn HTML into websites, it seems like she was destined to be a part of the tech world.
However, when school came around she found herself at one of the lowest points of her life.
Constant bullying, poor grades, excessive gaming and bad eating habits led her to the realisation that something needed to be done.
It was at this point that Pauline quit video games, and started turning her life around for good.
Since then she has been listed as one of the most influential women in tech, done a number of public speaking gigs, influenced 100's of people to get into coding through numerous programs, and that's just scratching the surface.
Pauline's an inspiration to thousands of people on social media every single day, and I hope you find some of that inspiration from watching this podcast.
Personal blog: https://pawlean.com
Professional site: https://paulinenarvas.com
How to get into coding: https://pawlean.com/2019/01/14/learning-to-code/
Code Newbies: https://codenewbies.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulineuh
Instagram: https://instagram.com/paw.lean/
Thanks for tuning in, and don't forget to rate and review if you haven't already! It really means a lot.
Until next time.
Music by Nordgroove from Fugue.